2016: The Year of Intentional Living

It is about par that I am attempting to squeeze in my New Year’s resolutions post a day late. Alas, the life of a mother of twins.

Anyone who knows me in real life knows that, probably, the only real skill I have is list making and endless planning. I am absolutely terrible at the following through. On actually doing. Planning, yes. Doing, not so much. But, that doesn’t stop me from dreaming the dream anyway.

So, here are my goals for 2016:

1. Living the Liturgical Year with my family.
2. Creating and sticking to a daily prayer routine.
3. Monthly confession.

1. Read to all the kids daily.
2. Be more present.
3. Yell much less.

1. Make and stick to a budget.
2. Start actually saving, especially for a down payment.
3. Pay down debt.
4. Meet with the bank to look into our credit and what we need to do to have good credit so we can buy a house next year

WELLNESS (get ready for detail!)
1. Nutrition Plan.
2. Exercise plan.

1. Reading Goals.
2. Blogging at least once per week.
3. House cleaning/organizing goals.

I know. The level of detail is intense. But, seriously, I may blog in real detail about some of these later this week/ month. If nothing else, I have created easy blogging fodder to force me to post weekly. For sure I will get the reading goals up soon, because that is what I am most excited for.

At any rate, there is one huge overarching theme in each set of goals, and in order to accomplish them I will need to accomplish this theme: to live more intentionally. Living intentionally, for me, tackles what is possibly my worst vice, sloth. I am lazy. I cannot do the things that are important in life because it is easier to sit around and watch TV, or to scroll mindlessly through Facebook. Some TV and mindless Facebooking is OK, and probably good, but not at the expensive of daily prayer, or reading a good book, or playing with my kids, or even neglecting my never ending pile of laundry. It’s ok to not be perfect, but it is not ok to use it as an excuse for laziness. If I am honest with myself, most of the time I am not too busy, I am too lazy. And, if I was more intentional with my time I would read more, blog more, be more active, have a cleaner house, pray more, play with my kids more. And, just overall I would be happier.

So, here is to a year of intentional living!

2 thoughts on “2016: The Year of Intentional Living

    1. Yeah, we are definitely going to try to stay in St Paul. We most likely can’t afford to buy in Merriam Park, but possibly the Midway? Time will tell. I couldn’t deal with a commute of longer than 10 min. 😉


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