7QT  {Guilty Pleasure Christmas Songs}

A few weeks back I shared my favorite versions of O Come O Come Emmanuel. in the same vein, I am going to share my favorite guilty pleasure Christmas Songs. You know, the ones you sing at the top of your lungs and might even secretly like but hate admiting it. 

1. Last Christmas- I will jam out to either the Wham version or the Glee version. No shame. Ok, maybe a little.

2. All I Want For Christmas Is You- I mean, I don’t know if this would make most people’s guilty pleasure lists or not, because of actually know a ton of people who admit to loving it. Maybe it’s because of how awful sound belting it out in my van? 

3. Feliz Navidad- I seriously love this song. My husband gets really embarrassed when I sing it. Maybe because I am such a gringa? 

4. Blue Christmas- Elvis. Come on! Such a cheese-tastic song, but I can’t help but sing it 

5. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)- If I hear this song once it gets permanently stuck in my head. like, until Easter probably. 

6. Melee Kalikimaka- AKA the song from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I can’t help but think of the movie when it comes on. I liked it ironically, and then it grew on me. I hate it when that happens. 

7. Baby It’s Cold Outside- I know, I know. It’s super rapey. But I love the call and answer. And, I have heard it argued that the song is actually about societal pressures helping to reinforce chastity even when the couple really doesn’t way to. I have no beef with that,  and I could buy it, especially from the era. Not to say it isn’t possible that many a similar situation did not (and does not still) occur that was rapey. But, I love the song anyway.  

Linking up with Kelly again.

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